The natural enemy of the collectivist will always be the independent sovereign individual who refuses to rewrite reality for ‘the party’, who refuses to deny truth for ‘the cause’, and who will stand on truth and principle regardless the cost.
Who are the ideal subjects of totalitarianism? 2020 and on showed us exactly who these people are: they are the people whom know not the difference between FACT (empirical data) and FICTION (dark-triad narratives), and those whom care not for what is TRUE, but rather defend that which is FALSE because the PARTY cannot be wrong in the past, present, or future.
The ‘STRUGGLE’ for this neo-liberal political army was Donald J. Trump, then it was Conservatives (as a group), and now it is the CovidEra Informed (anyone counter-narrative) who refuse to bend the knee and comply with the dark-triad of BigGov, BigMedia, BigTech, and their on-call army of useful idiots.
Character assassination is now an accepted and approved part of the American way of life for 25% of the population. If you disagree, if you defend personal autonomy or individual sovereignty, or represent TRUTH that goes against the STATE NARRATIVE, then you will be targeted directly and extra-judicially by the dark-triad of BigGov, BigMedia, BigTech, and their on-call army of useful-idiots.
Antidotes to Totalitarianism: Bravery. Awareness. Honesty.
Mainstream tyranny only becomes possible when a society chooses preference falsification over dialog, compliance over resistance, and overt-lies over the truth.