While I agree that it is irrational, irresponsible, and detrimental; the sad reality is that for me to have CHOICE, they must also have CHOICE, for me to force them to say no, or them to force me to say yes, both are wrong, irrespective of outcome.

When it comes to kids, they are an extension of the parents via parental rights. This also must remain, regardless the mis/dis/mal-informed decision of others; or the damage inflected.

The real problem with most “pharma interventions” this jab or pill, and most others, I would label as irrational, irresponsible, and detrimental. The industry is corrupt, the benefits mostly illusions, and the real costs and complications of their products are actively hidden and censored. This corruption extents to BigEDU, BigMedia and BigGov.

We must firstly protect our rights to individual sovereignty and informed consent (CHOICE), then we must engage everything else after that. If we do not have a choice ourselves, then it matters not that we try to properly inform others to “protect them” or “fight” the system, as we both lose the right to decide if this game is played out of order.

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Apr 5, 2022Edited
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Thanks for the comment, I was thinking about what you said, and while I am a parental rights guy, personal sovereignty guy, you got me thinking about kids and their own “personal autonomy and bodily integrity”.

I agree with your assessment on vaccines and experimental injections, and really on pharmaceuticals in general if we take it further.

In theory “do not harm” use to be the proclaimed medical ethic, now it’s “for the social good” and whatever that means.

As for kids;

-I think the default position should always be NON-INTERVENTION, and I think kids should have the right to say NO to interventions (at what age? 13+, I don’t know?)

-I do not think kids should have the right to say YES to interventions without parental consent.

Remember when parents outsource their “parental rights” to the medical establishment they usually stop critically thinking about it, they hope for the best and they presume “do no harm” still exists, and that doctors “know best”. This is the real problem as they both do harm, and are ignorant to that which they are recommending.

Thanks for helping me think deeper on this issue of ‘the freedom to inject toxins into our children’. I look forward to hearing your ideas.

(Check out my 8x8^8 post for how I think we fix the problems in our nation)

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